100% Natural Thai Herb
Dietary Supplement Product for hair. It's been compiled through an impressive experience by the brand's owner. it was invented especially for men with extreme hair loss, Although hair loss from congenital and also works well for other reasons of hair loss such as Strain, Illness, Hair loss from Chemicals. Because selected special extracts help solve hair problems, making hair strong and healthy from the inside to the outside.
Indication: Grow new, strong, and healthy hair with the main concentrated extracts from Millet + Pomegranate, millet extracts are rich in amino acids. Thereby stimulating regeneration and prolonging the life of the hair during the anagen phase. It also has excellent anti-hair loss potential. Because the hair has an important component is keratin (keratin), which is composed of amino acids. Therefore, amino acids are important for good hair health.
Dosage: Take 1 capsule daily
Recommendation: For the best results, the product should be used continuously for 4 months.
Quantity: 30 capsules
Ingredients: Pomegranate Extract, Phytonutrient Extract, Polyphenols Extract, Resveratrol Extract, Flavonoids Extract, Rogen Extract.